Bad Mamas. You send us the stories-We print em! Bad Mamas-taking incident reports and documenting the activities of Bad Mommies!

Steubenville,OH at Jo-Ann Fabrics

Where- Steubenville,OH at Jo-Ann Fabrics
When- Yesterday, 10-20-07
Who- Mom was shorter, maybe 5'5 wearing a light pink shirt, jeans and clutching a bolt of Steeler fabric, she had very thin, dumpy blonde hair. Grandma was wearing a red shirt and black leggings, had thin hair ,dark black,as well that was also dumpy. Grandma was pushing a cart.

This is awful, I was standing in line to have my fabric cut when these two women got in line behind me. It was only a few seconds later when I heard the babbling of a baby. My head nearly spun off when I turned around because I couldn't find the baby. Then I saw (I believe a boy) him laying in the bottom of the cart! A baby!!!! maybe 6 months old laying flat on the bottom of the grated cart. I am sure there is no way that was comfortable, especially that hard on the back of a baby's head, as he's sliding all over as they maneuver around the store!!!!! I was then done with my turn, and headed to check out. A couple minutes into being in the checkout line sure enough, mom gets in line behind me, and grandma, who's pushing baby, walks past the line headed outside. Except this time the baby is wailing and, as she passes his mom in line she said "he pulled on the bar and the top baby seat, came open and knocked him in the head" (here's a thought you friggin' idiot HE SHOULD BE IN THE BABY SEAT!!!!!.) While all this is happening (the crying) he's STILL in the cart!!! She goes outside with the cart, drops down off the sidewalk, across the bumpy pavement, to her car, all the while this poor baby is bumping along inside this cart, wailing! Also let me be clear, not only was he laying in the cart, but they put him in with his head back toward the baby seat, so his feet where toward the front, and this cart was sloped so his feet were slightly higher than his head keeping his head jammed into the back of the cart!
Their vehicle was an older model ford explorer that was burgundy and had a puppy paw print hanging from the rear view mirror.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I would've said something. They were physically hurting that poor baby, the idiots should've been told that that is not the proper way to have a baby in a cart.Some people should not be allowed to breed.

October 22, 2007 at 1:59 PM  

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