Bad Mamas. You send us the stories-We print em! Bad Mamas-taking incident reports and documenting the activities of Bad Mommies!

Really Bad Single Mama

Here's a bad mama story for you....

Single mom with 5 kids ages 4 to 13. I babysit for her every once in a while and I've seen her interact with her children quite a bit. She constantly says how she wishes she had never had children and says this in front of her kids. Their house is beyond disgusting with food, toys, trash, etc. strewn throughout the entire house. She leaves the children alone for some period of time nearly every day and it's not uncommon for her to spend the night with one of her several boyfriends, leaving the children home alone all night. She doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with this because she talks about it freely and doesn't try to hide it. I'm afraid that something is going to happen to these children while she's out or that these children will eventually be taken away from her.

I've included a picture of her daughters' bedroom so you'll know that I'm not making this sound worse than it is.

Stick Swinging Boy with Absent Mama

I have a bad momma sighting for you. I'm a nanny in Austin, TX. On 9/25/07 at Central Market there was a little boy pushing all the children and saying it was his playscape. He had a speech impediment and might have been special needs I'm not sure. Myself and several other nannies asked him several time to play nice. I looked around to see if anyone was watching him and didn't see anyone looking after him. About 30 minutes later his mom walks over only to tell him to put a stick down and that was only because I loudly asked my charge not to play around the little boy if he was going to swing the stick around. She was far away sitting with a friend and having lunch and not paying any attention to her son. I know she was mom because he called her mom and she called him son.

We are still here waiting to here from you.

Kim and I don't understand why we have yet to hear from anybody. :(

We aren't fancy.